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Framingham Baseball

Sponsorship Information

Interested in sponsoring Framingham Baseball?

Here's your chance!  We offer a number of packages for our sponsors to be involved.

Sponsorships help us budget for many expenses throughout the year, including:
• Purchasing equipment and jerseys.
• Field and facility upgrades and maintenance.
• Providing affordable opportunities to low-income families.
• Paying our local umpires and officials (typically high school students getting their first work opportunity).
• Funding an annual College scholarship for one graduating senior.

Diamond - $2500
All league emails footer (up to 50 a year) - Sponsor on our website - social media post - and a banner at one of the main complex fields

Platinum - $1000
Sponsor on our website - social media posts - and a banner at one of the main complex fields

Gold $500
A banner at one of the main complex fields and sponsor on our website

Silver: $300
Sponsor on our website.

Annual Calendar Fundraiser Sponsor - $1500
Your business would be featured on our annual calendar fundraiser print out that is distributed to over 500 players to be sold to the community. 

For banners contact:
Tom Chabot: [email protected]
Judy Bortolotti: [email protected]
All other inquires contact 
[email protected] to get involved today!

Contact Us

Framingham Baseball, Inc.

PO Box 1053 
Framingham, Massachusetts 01701

Email Us: [email protected]